5 Easy Ways to Avoid Acne
Sometimes anti acne medication alone is not enough to keep you from acne attacks. Here are five ways to avoid you from a red bump on the face, as quoted from carefair.BawangThis one plant is able to eradicate the bacteria that cause acne. Garlic also improves the immune function of the skin. Therefore, consume some garlic cloves per hari.Sinar MatahariMeskipun ultraviolet light is not good for skin health, but you still need radiation from the sun. Dermatologists recommend that at least the body is exposed to sunlight for 15 minutes along with regular exercise and adequate sleep to reduce stress.Steam FaceShould face steam (facial steam) is not only done when the face of acne alone. Perform regular facial steam can refresh and clean the small bacteria attached to the face. In order for steam activities (evaporation) is the maximum benefit, you can dip the lavender leaves into hot water. Lavender steam will kill germs and stimulate new cell growth.
Oxalic Acid Raw foods containing oxalic acid (oxalic acid) are good for treating the skin from the threat of acne. You can find the oxalic acid content in almonds and cashews. Dispose of toxins Foods rich in fiber are good for cleansing the intestines and getting rid of toxins in the body. For a practical way, consume yoghurt. Make sure you drink enough water. (af1 / af1)
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